Natural Gut Cleanse

This month I am focusing on setting my goals, organizing, planning, and detoxing! More specifically a gut cleanse!
Being the crunchy mama that I am, I breastfed my second daughter until she was 3 months shy of her 5th birthday! (yeah, I know)
That means that I wasn't able to do any type of detox for many years, considering the fact that I had either been pregnant or breastfeeding ever since my first daughter was conceived in 2012.
So, finally here I am in 2021 and I am safe and clear to go on a gut cleanse!
If you don't already know, most of our immune system begins in the gut. Having a healthy gut flora is very important to thrive. If you feel you need a stronger immune system or want to deal with a health issue, a gut cleanse is a great start.
Whether you are dealing with bloating, food sensitivities, skin issues, extreme fatigue to even vaginal infections, a gut detox may be necessary! These issues may be a cause of an overgrowth of the "bad" bacteria. A great deal of the problems in your gut are not easily identifiable and are actually hidden infections.
(Of course you know I am not anywhere near a professional, so consult with a doctor first.)
When you continue to live with these harmful organisms it can drain your body of energy and nutrients!
A good parasite and bacteria cleanse is an important thing to do for your body at least once per year.
*This post may contain affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission (to run this site), at no extra cost to you.*
Here is what I will be using
I will be using Organic Olivias ParaPro Formula which supports and improves microbial imbalance, supports the bodies defense against harmful organisms, aids in digestive health, and healthy bowel movements. One of the greatest of all is it supports energy!

And girl you know we need that good energy this year! Yass! (insert clapping hands emoji)
But seriously the coffee only works temporarily, lets get down to the gut of it all and cleanse ourselves!
I personally love Organic Olivia's health supplements because they are all natural and made with wild crafted or organic herbs.
I already use some of her products, but I am excited to finally take the herbal gut cleanse (insert heart eyes emoji).
A good probiotic is a great idea to take along with the ParaPro Formula. So while your cleaning off the bad bacteria you can support in growing and protecting the good bacteria as well!

All About The ParaPro Formula Gut cleanse
It contains 180 capsules and you take two capsules twice a day before meals. So 4 capsules total per day!
It is a great idea to take this formula cleanse every 1-2 years.
The ingredients are all natural herbs which are organic or wild crafted.
As mentioned above there are many benefits for taking this gut detox. Mental clarity, better energy, healthy immune system, and better digestion are some of the issues this ParaPro Formula will improve. Also, skin conditions, bloating, and gas issues, to name a few more 🙂
Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Head to the website for more info. Or reach out to me and I will send you anymore info you need to help answer your questions!
How To Take The Gut Cleanse Supplements
Take it 30-60 minutes before a meal, although if you forget, it is still okay to take it after your meal. Also take a full glass of water with each dose.
Although this product doesn't cause diarrhea, you are essentially cleaning out your body, so it is important to drink plenty of water and fiber rich foods to continue moving your bowels 1-2 times a day. It can actually cause constipation, so again be sure to drink sufficient water to help!
Be sure to eat well and clean foods during the gut cleanse. There is no need to be perfect, but try to balance it out. Aim to drink alcohol only on occasion.
Also, you may or may not see any parasites in your bowels, there is no need to look or detect unless of course you'd like to.

My Experience
I will be starting this gut detox Thursday January 7. I will follow up with my results and you can also follow me on instagram @melissasennett3 and/or subscribe to my Youtube channel to see updates from me where I will be sharing my journey with the gut cleanse.
I would like to mention that I am confident this formula works because there are many, many great reviews and close family members of mine have done the cleanse with great results!
So come on do this cleanse with me!
Have you ever done a gut cleanse? Tell me your thoughts in the comment section below!
Thank you for reading,