Proof That I am a Traditional Wife
I feel like a record player for again bringing up my recent talk show appearance, but I felt the urge to make a blog post about how the events leading up to my appearance proved that I am a traditional wife.
Of course I don’t need to prove anything to anyone and honestly I’m not huge on labels but it’s just an easier way to distinguish myself on social media. It’s a label to show others who I am and what I’m about so that they know what they’re getting themselves into if they decide to follow me. I for the most part have always been a traditional wife, there is just a more official name to it going around now.
An Opportunity To Fly To New York
When I first received the email with an opportunity to make an appearance on the show I didn’t take it serious. I responded saying that I was interested but didn’t think anything would come of it. I told my husband about it and he kinda laughed at it not taking it serious. After doing some research on where the (Tamron Hall) show takes place, New York. I began performing and dancing with my very pregnant self and three daughters in our living room in front of my husband. We danced to the song New York, New York by Frank Sinatra. I took lead, we danced, and laughed all together! Me pretending I was getting my “big break” 🤣 again not taking anything serious.
However, I received a reply fairly quickly the following morning. And after several details I realized this was legit and suppose to happen soon. So then I began actually considering doing this. Immediately I was worried to think of leaving behind my daughters as I confirmed that the company wouldn’t pay for their flight, only mine.
What My Husband Thought
My husband immediately didn’t like the idea because he felt skeptical of who the heck was emailing me and inviting me to fly out to New York! Hahaha. Of course I was also about 28 weeks pregnant and his protective instinct for his pregnant wife kicks in. I mean my husband is the type of guy who will always pump gas for me so that I don’t have to go to the creepy gas station. He will go out with me and the girls if he's available so that I don't have to be out alone. And he will always offer to pick up the groceries or run small errands for me. Which I honestly love. I feel like I can do so much more by staying at home and get things done rather than taking the time to drive back and forth. Of course occasionally I do enjoy taking a solo drive to do the grocery pick up and listen to a podcast.
Eventually after much discussion and a couple days of really thinking about this decision. We decided to do it. My mother in law was coming in to town to help with the kids while my husband worked.
How I Felt
Leading up to the flight I was feeling anxious over leaving my toddler who was used to having me to put her down for naps and bedtime and of course everything else. I was also nervous because my daughter Juliet had just caught the flu and had been having a high fever.
My mother in law and husband said that they would figure it out and that it would be fine. Thankfully by the day I was suppose to fly out Juliet’s fever had finally gone away. So that helped me feel better.
I will say that I remember telling me mother in law that I could never do this for a living. Flying out and leaving my kids often for a “career” or business. It felt so unnatural for me.
The Hurdles
So my flight ended up getting delayed due to the weather and eventually cancelled. The travel team for the show rescheduled me for the following morning which was the day of the recording. I was suppose to be at the airport at 4am and fly out by 6am. I was going to get driven straight to the studio, barely have time for hair and makeup (if any time at all, they asked me to be mostly ready because of the last minute delays), and then immediately after the show I was suppose to fly back home.
Another thing is that I had already been feeling the onset of flu symptoms myself! I felt the nausea, the body aches, and the overall fatigue.
My Motherly Instinct
At 2am when I woke up it get ready to head to the airport my mother in law tells me that Juliet’s fever spiked up again! This really concerned me because her fever had gone away for almost a day and then suddenly came back. I went to check on her and she didn’t look good. My motherly instinct immediately knew something wasn’t right.
I thought the right thing to do was to take her in to be seen by a doctor. My mother in law felt bad that I was deciding to not fly to New York but I assured her this was more important. And she couldn't help but agree.
Juliet ended up having an ear infection and was prescribed antibiotics. She was overall okay and we were home by 6am. I was just glad that we got to the bottom of why her fever had been going on so long.
I was still able to make the show appearance via Skype. Although it was a fun and interesting experience, my segment only ended up being about 15 minutes. I was so glad I didn’t end up flying out there the day of. Especially because the flu symptoms were getting stronger and I was loosing my energy.

Was It Worth It?
In the end Juliet would’ve been okay until I came back home, had I flew to New York. and I would’ve made it through even if I was feeling sick. But flying out wasn’t worth it for me. I do love creating content and discussing topics that I am passionate about but in the end I am a traditional wife. We don’t put ourselves or our “careers” first. I can have opportunities, small at home business endeavors, and even make some income but I will not become a full blown business woman and make this a consistent thing.
There’s No Place Like Home (especially as a traditional wife)
I’m not saying I will never do something like this again, but I am picky about opportunities that come my way and I am very intentional about the choices I make as a wife and mother. I know I bring more balance and benefit to my children when I’m focused on my home and family.
I overall felt so much better staying in the comfort of my own home around my children, while I recovered. There really is no place like home, especially if you’re a traditional wife! 💗
How do you feel about leaving your children at home under the care of others either for a day or for a week? No judgement here! I’ve left my older girls for a couple weeks when I had to fly to the states from Italy to sign our home closing documents.
Also, what do you like most about being home?
Let me know what you think below! ⬇️
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