Postpartum Recovery Update
July 13, 2022
2.5 weeks postpartum
Hey girlies! (That’s how I refer to my daughters sometimes, hope ya don’t mind!)
Here I am in the middle of postpartum! Boy has this one been a journey! The past 2.5 weeks have been the longest weeks of my life!
Of course we all expect this time to be kinda difficult, considering we’re dealing with a newborn, a new body, changing hormones, healing etc!
This time around has been a little more of a struggle for me! I think it had a lot to do with the aftermath of my birth!
By the way, if you haven’t watched my home birth video, I have it up on my YouTube channel!
I can honestly say I had the most beautiful birth experience! I am so grateful to have lived it the way it went!
But like I mentioned earlier. The aftermath…
It seems it’s been one thing after the other.
I had some physical issues happen after the birth, some emotional ones, and then other stressful things that have happened since then.
I have been meaning to create a YouTube video explaining everything that went on after the birth but I have mostly been focusing on resting and recovering at this time.
But I promise before the end of the week I will record it and explain everything. So make sure you’re subscribed!
I do want to add that baby and I are healthy and well! I don’t want to make it this scary thing! I just want to update you!
I hope all you ladies are doing well!
Sending my preggo friends so much love and my postpartum girls sending you props 🤜🏼!
Be on the lookout for the next blog post where I will share some postpartum tips!
Gotta go before baby wakes up!
I typed this draft out on my phone while baby sleeps on my shoulder. I'm wearing a linen robe, messy hair, and probably smell like milk and sweat 😅
Don’t worry I shower daily! If theres only one thing I can do besides eat and sleep, it’s squeeze in a shower!
Picture for proof 😜

Thanks for reading
Xoxo Melissa
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