Organic Water?

With the organic industry growing so much in recent years, we sometimes begin to question everything that we do, eat, and drink. Well at least I did when I began changing my lifestyle after my first daughter, Jane, was born 6 years ago. But have you thought about drinking water and what the most natural form of drinking water is? Is there even such thing? Is all water created equal? Is there such a thing as "organic water"? I will be discussing this today and you can decide for yourself by the end of the post.

Different Types Of Water

With so many different types of water out there it can be hard figuring out which one is the best one. Lets look at the different kinds.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water has gained popularity in recent time. It is known for having a higher PH. Many claim that it can neutralize the acid in our bodies and prevent diseases all while benefiting detoxification, improved mental clarity, and hair growth. The problem is none of these things have been proven to be true. People believe being too acidic in general may cause these diseases, but drinking alkaline water doesn't mean it will prevent them. Also, alkaline water companies claim that the water is alkaline and pure. Most alkaline water is not pure because it has added ingredients to make the PH higher.

Dr. Richard Waldhorn, a clinical professor of medicine at Georgetown University, says:

"Despite claims by its proponents that alkaline water will boost metabolism, slow aging, prevent cancer and improve physical appearance for starters, research evidence of support is underwhelming. I had a professor in medical school who used to say that 'the dumbest nephron (functional unit of the kidney) is smarter than the smartest intern.' I would rely on the kidney and respiratory system to take care of acid-base balance."

It just doesn't make sense that alkaline water is the correct thing to balance out your body. Dietary changes can. Let your body figure it out just focus on feeding it better.

*Contrary to general belief being acidic is also very important to the human body. Acid helps protect our bodies by fighting pathogens and breaking down bacteria found in food or other substances. Acid is found in hair, skin, stomachs, and other parts of our bodies including vaginas to protect us.*

Distilled Water

Distilled water is water that has been boiled to remove impurities and contaminants. The problem with distilled water is, yes it does remove impurities, but it also removes all the vitamins and nutrients along with it. It's like removing all the nutrients from your broccoli or kale. There is no point in eating it. In the end distilled water is dead water.

Purified Water

Purified water uses a different form of cleaning the water, either reverse osmosis, deionization, or distillation. Reverse osmosis is a process that uses pressure to pass water through a specialized membrane and removes contaminants, large membranes, and other substances. It also removes the minerals normally found in natural water. Deionization (DI) is a water that has had all its ions removed and has no charge. DI water is often used in the medical and pharmaceutical companies. It is used to mix with other specimens to inject to a humans body and also used to cleanse medical tools. Everything has been removed from this water leaving it pure. Lacking minerals as well!

Also, there is added ingredients and nutrients added to purified water after the purification process. Which means it is not exactly pure and also so man made. There is also some evidence that purified water is less likely to quench thirst.

Mountain Spring Water

Spring water is sourced from underground aquifers where it has been collected after tricking down the mountains for years. It is collected once it reaches the surface through springs. Mountain spring water comes in its natural form made by Mother Nature. It contains all the vitamins and nutrients and is the perfect formula for the human body. Think about it, how did animals and humans survive for centuries? Through natural spring water. It's made perfectly for us.

Is it safe you may ask?

Springs rarely have any significant contamination since the Earth works as a fantastic filter for water. As water filters down through hundreds to thousands of feet of soil, sand and rock pollutants tend to be filtered out and broken down by beneficial microbes.

-James Sloan (herbalist and prior 13 years in conventional medical field)

There are so many benefits to mountain spring water

  • It doesn't undergo any changes to its composition. It is healthy.
  • Spring water has a refreshing taste that cannon be matched.
  • It contains the perfect concentration of natural minerals such as, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium which contribute to your health.
  • You can get it for free by finding a natural spring near you.

You can check out to find a spring near you. Otherwise Arrowhead and Crystal Geyser are popular spring water brands.

You can also buy online here and here. I like to buy water in glass containers whenever possible.

Making it work

It may not always be easy for us to access the type of water we like to drink. I usually always carry at least 1 gallon jug of water in my car and I refill our glass water bottles as often needed when out on the go. There are times when I do not have access to spring water when I am outside my home, so I buy whatever option is available if needed. We have to do whats needed to get by. There isn't any point in stressing. However I recommend making spring water the main source of water that you drink (and cook with) in your life whenever possible.

We have used a water delivery service during the past few years. Now more recently we buy 1 gallon jugs of water once or twice a week and pour them into a large 5 gallon water dispenser or a glass dispenser. In the past when my husband would take hunting trips he would often times collect spring water from a spring in the mountains.


"Organic" is a term used nowadays to prove farm produced foods and products are safe for us to eat. I playfully used the term in this blog post title to allow us to question our water choice. I was lucky to find out a couple years ago the truth about our drinking water, through my husbands brother who studies and researches health topics. It makes perfect sense.

I truly believe in Mother Nature and the earth knows exactly what we need. The universe, God, Mother Earth all know what is good for us. Lets trust it. Lets trust our bodies. Lets trust how perfectly humans and the earth were made. If you're concerned with feeding your body the right stuff, then just focus on healthy foods and natural water. Our bodies will take care of the rest.

Please let me know your thoughts, questions, and comments in the comments section below. Thank you so much for reading!


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