Mindfulness Rocks
Hello everyone and welcome back! Today we are here for our second #MindfulnessMonday project. A couple weeks ago we took out first walk out of our home in what seems like sooo long! Or more specifically at least 8 weeks it was. Italy was put on lockdown during the first couple weeks of spring bloom. Nature was definitely looking different a couple months ago, so we were definitely enjoying the beauty around us. As we took our walk we made sure to keep an eye out for nice big rocks for our mindfulness project coming up. So, if you are interested in trying out this craft with your children, I recommend a nice nature walk to collect the rocks!
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In my last mindfulness Monday post where we made mindfulness jars, I explained mindfulness and why I feel its important to begin teaching our kids at a young age. Aside from learning how to cope with stress and transforming our negative thoughts to positive thoughts, mindfulness projects are fun and a great time to bond with our children. Today's project can be done fairly quickly. Remember we do not need to spend a whole hour teaching our children a concept. It can be simple, sweet, short, and to the point. Applying mindfulness throughout our daily lives teaches our children just as effectively or even more so.

If you're interested in trying it out the instructions are listed below! You can also check out this video of us making our craft.
Things needed:
- Clean your rocks and pat them dry.
- Simply paint your rocks and be sure the paint is smoothed out. Let them completely dry. We left ours overnight.
- Write positive affirmations or phrases. Decorate and add designs if desired.
Affirmation ideas:
- love
- dream
- live
- happy
- smile
- positive
- grateful
- believe
- I can do anything
- I am brave
- I am loved
And so many more! Theres a few to give you some ideas.
Optional ceremony
I like to remind the girls to give good energy to all things we do. I even tell them to send thanks to things we are getting rid of like old toys. I saw on another website that we can have a rock ceremony/meditation to pass our good energy to the rocks. So, we decided to try it! It was rather funny opposed to peaceful but we got the job done. You can see us have the ceremony in the video above!
If you tried this project with your kids let me know in the comments section below or If you have any other mindful ideas I would love to read them!
Thank you so much for reading!
With love, Melissa
This project was adapted from kumarahyoga.com