Must Haves For Your Baby Registry

Here I am 40 weeks on my actual due date, writing this blog post, well because baby hasn’t decided to come yet! So I’m taking advantage to share with you the things that you should add to your baby registry! ...

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Healthy Pad Thai Recipe

Today I will be sharing with you a delicious healthy pad Thai recipe!  It is like the normal authentic pad Thai only with a little added boost of veggies. I added chicken to mine but you can substitute it for...

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My Yoni Pearls Review

Have you ever heard of yoni pearls? What's a yoni anyway? Yoni in Hinduism means "womb", "source", or "vagina". Yoni pearls are all natural herbs that are wrapped in a mesh cloth and used for a vaginal detox. Today, I...

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Feminine Traits and Being a Submissive Woman?

Late last year I posted a Reel/TikTok about how to be in your feminine energy for your marriage VS how not to be. It didn’t receive the usual support that my other more ‘relatable’ Reels receive. There are still some...

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7 New Home must Haves

Welcome back to my blog!! It’s been a while, but I am so excited to be writing again! In today’s post I am sharing 7 new home must haves!  As some of you may know we moved to North Carolina...

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Homeschool Routine(A Gentle Feast)

homeschool routine

Hey!! Today I am excited to share with you our homeschool routine! I have two daughters who are currently in 3rd grader and the other a kindergartner/first grader. We homeschool mostly with A Gentle Feast and use other resources as...

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