Feminine Traits and Being a Submissive Woman?

Late last year I posted a Reel/TikTok about how to be in your feminine energy for your marriage VS how not to be. It didn’t receive the usual support that my other more ‘relatable’ Reels receive. There are still some standing comments (others needed to be deleted), of people disagreeing, but all of this showed me how some women have different perspectives regarding feminine traits and being a submissive woman.
Here is that TikTok so you can understand what I’m about to say next:
So I think the part that made people most uncomfortable is when I said that it is a good thing for women to be submissive. We all know why that makes people uncomfortable, because people believe that we women have been deprived and shut out, and we finally can speak out and do anything. I truly think the media is creating this fake notion that we need to work outside the home in order to be free and “live your best life”. The problem I see with this is that women can be completely fulfilled being stay at home mothers but maybe pushed to think they should be doing something else, even if it’s not actually something they desire.
The point of this post is to explain FEMININE TRAITS and answer the question, is it okay to be a SUBMISSIVE WOMAN?

First let's get into the qualities I listed on my TikTok:
How To Be Feminine:
- Patient
- Respectful
- Loving
- Helpful
- Submissive
- Self Care
How Not To Be Feminine:
- Stressed
- Controlling
- Masculine
- Ego
- Dominant
- Combative
A lot of the qualities for how to be feminine come from the natural biology that comes from being born a woman. Think back to the primal days when men had to hunt for food and women had to care for the children and home.
Of course I understand we don’t live in those times anymore, but we can’t deny that women have natural qualities that men don’t have.
ARE Feminine Traits and being a Submissive Woman OK?
For instance, being patient is something women are usually better at. That is a nice balance that you can bring into your marriage.
Men tend to become frustrated easily. Think about that time you wanted to go to Olive Garden (or any other restaurant you were craving), but the hostess said it would be a 45 minute wait, and your husband/boyfriend was not up for waiting that long. Chances are you would’ve been okay to wait.
When we bring patience into our marriage we can help ground our men and be more understanding of our children when they need the extra attention or help. I am of course not saying that men shouldn’t help or be patient with the kids, I’m saying it can come more naturally for you to be patient, and that’s what makes mothers and wives more loving and attractive.
I have noticed that today women are losing respect for men. Of course respect is necessary from BOTH sides, but the problem comes when women begin to belittle men who work hard and contribute to the family.
Women today feel more powerful than ever before, but we should not forget to be respectful and loving.
Being a loving woman is not implying that men can’t be loving, but you can make your marriage better when you choose to see with love instead of hate. When you see the world with loving eyes you will carry amazing energy for your children, husband, home, and for yourself.
So, when it comes to your marriage, think of all the things you love about your husband and more of that will come to you.
He’s your partner, so being helpful and doing your part to contribute shouldn’t need much more explaining.
(Yes he should do his half too)
Here we go, the part you're probably eager to read 😄.
All that I mean by being submissive is simply allowing your man to be the man and let him help make logical decisions at times, opposed to emotional decisions which women naturally are more likely (but not always) to make.
Let him decide sometimes, don't try to fight your way to always be right, let him help you, let him lead when necessary. This can seriously spice up your relationship because he feels trusted and you feel cared for. A man who can take care of you is a natural instinct that attracts us to men.
By being submissive I definitely DON'T mean to allow yourself to be abused in ANY way! You have a right to be heard and respected in your marriage and you are 100% just as important as your husband.
Self Care
Loving yourself is not only great for your well being, but it also sets an amazing example for your children AND keeps your man more attracted to you.
He will see that you haven’t let go, so he should keep trying too. Taking care of your body, mind, and soul will keep the attraction high and the energy powerful in your marriage.

Breaking Down The Not So Feminine Traits:
Being stressed is a normal part of life and relationships. However when we are not on top of our stress levels it affects every part of our life. Making sure to find solutions to constant stress will benefit your marriage and life opposed to taking out stress on your partner or others. You can help create a wonderful balance when you learn to remain calm in difficult situations and remember to view the world with loving eyes.
In history, men are infamous for being controlling. I don’t think this needs much more of an explanation as to why being controlling is not a feminine trait. But just in case, when a woman takes control, it takes her time and energy away from the slow flow of beauty and life. It can cause stress and bad energy in the family and marriage, because we’re too focused on making all the decisions and controlling everything.
It is not healthy to be controlling, but it can be beneficial to be a good and loving significant member of the family.
Having a big ego in both men and women is not always great. But when a woman has a big ego it’s taking her away from her beauty and natural qualities. This ties in with being controlling and stressed. Of course every individual should care for themselves first, but in a successful marriage there is no need for a big ego. Once again, move with love and light.
Being dominant doesn’t leave a good place for your husband. It’s okay to let your husband lead, make decisions, and protect his family. It’s okay to allow him to show you love in that way. It gives you less to worry and stress about when you know you have a good man you can trust. I’m not saying he should be more dominant or important than you, but it’s okay to accept that kind of help.
This one ties in with not allowing your husband to have a say or belittling him. When we constantly try to be right or get our way we are basically fighting and leading with our ego. If you have a good man who you can trust then there should be no need to be combative in your marriage. In the case of a rocky or unstable marriage, wasting your energy being combative isn’t going to get you or your marriage anywhere.
Overall, the traits I listed above I wrote with the thought of helping women find more peace and love. This will rub off and help balance out your marriage. If you’d like to read an upcoming post of good masculine male traits to benefit a marriage, then subscribe to my email list so you can be notified when the post goes up.
Do you agree with what I wrote about Feminine Traits and Submissive Woman? Feel free to have a peaceful discussion below.
Thank you SO much for reading!
Xo Melissa
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