Decluttering Your Home In The New Year
There is no better time to declutter and organize your home than during the start of a new year. Beginning 2020 with fresh clean surroundings and a more clear environment can really help ease your mind and a calm mind is important to begin the year strong. Today I put together a quick guide to help your decluttering journey. So, tell Alexa to play your favorite playlist, pick up your hair, put on some comfy clothes, and lets begin.

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Avoid Distractions
Before we begin it's important to remember to avoid distractions. Checking social media, texting, or reading an old diary can really derail you and your motivation. I have been guilty of doing this way to often.
Start Small
First, it's important to start off small and only begin with one area in your home. I've made the mistake in the past of taking on one area and moving onto another before finishing the first one. Then I have an unfinished mess all over my home. Beginning with a kitchen pantry or a makeup drawer can give you the motivation to keep going. Removing old or expired items like cosmetics, medicines, and hair products, can be an easy start.

Set Up Separate Boxes
When you're ready to move on to a larger area its a good idea to set up four different bins, boxes, or large plastic bags. They will be used to separate items you want to donate, sell, throw away, and items that need to be relocated to another part of your home.
If the item is in good condition and but you no longer need, it can be donated. If you have a good item that you can and would like to make some cash out of then you can pile it in the resale bin.
If you haven't used an item in over a year then is should be thrown out along with old or worn out items you no longer need. For example electrical cords, random papers/mail, and mismatched socks.
Decide What To Keep
Clothing can be a difficult item to figure out whether to keep or toss. Using the Marie Kondo method has tremendously helped me overcome this obstacle. With her method you begin by holding the item and think about how it makes you feel. If you feel a spark then you can keep it. If you don't feel the spark then get rid of it. Before I began using her method I recall holding on to items that annoyed me because I had associated the item with a bad thought, like struggling to make a top worth with my outfit for example. I carried bad thoughts towards an item, but yet I still kept it! We don't need that kinda of energy in our home. I maybe thought I would grow to like the item one day so I kept it, but also realized it was not worth it because most of the time I never actually ended up wearing the item and keeping it was weighing me down. It feels so much better letting go of a unwanted item and creating space for something you will love.

Every Item Needs A Home
Every item in your home needs a home or a place to be kept and organized. Clear out junk drawers and find a place for each item in the drawer. It's important to be more mindful of the random things piling up in a corner or drawer. Pay more attention to the actual item and decide where it really belongs. It is a good idea to utilize decorative bins to keep things organized. Keep a bin on the T.V. stand to store phone and camera chargers as well as other types of small electronic items and cables that are used daily. Another small drawer on a console table can be used to store wallets, sun glasses, watches, and other items that can pile up on the table after arriving home. Children's toys can be discreetly stored in a bin in the living room as well.

Sentimental Items And Gifts
It can be tough to get rid of souvenirs and gifts. We can feel guilty getting rid of an unneeded item because someone gave it to you. We can overcome that and realize that its okay to get rid of something that you live with and no longer want. It does not mean it will change your love or relationship with the person. Souvenirs can also be difficult to get rid of, but the actual memories and photos probably mean more. It's not always worth keeping a souvenir that is only going to pile up in a box and sit in the basement for years.
Be Patient
It can be overwhelming and frustrating but it doesn't need to get done in one day. Give yourself a break and come back and finish up later. It takes time and practice especially if there is a lot of emotion behind it. From experience I know that the more I declutter the easier it becomes.
Do It Often
It's a good idea to declutter multiple times throughout the year opposed to once or twice. I like to declutter certain small areas of the home monthly and do bigger ones like the closets and toy room every 2-3 months or so. It can help if you're mindful of the things you see in your home daily, and immediately get rid of things that are only taking up space.
Remember to be proud of what you have accomplished even if it's a little. Give your home LOVE and THANK the items you're saying goodbye too. The results will be a positive environment and a clear mind for you to take on your hobbies and accomplish your goals for the rest of the year.
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