Books That Will Change Your Perspective On Life in 2021
With 2021 right around the corner, you might feel excited to start the year off on a positive note.

The new year is the perfect time to get your health in check, set that workout routine, and set your goals.
Of course with 2020 being a little complicated(insert smiling sweating emoji), it is extra important to start off 2021 with a strong mindset. That way you can make good choices for yourself throughout the year and stay strong through anything that life may throw at you.
If your goals involve a better financial situation, more self love, a better career, a change in lifestyle or anything in between, then it is important to have a positive perspective on life. And If you haven't set any goals then get on it girl! It can be anything like drinking more water, or being more patient, or even setting more dates up with your spouse. Big or small it doesn't matter.
Are you constantly worrying, feeling fear, expecting the worst, living without intent or maybe you just want more motivation to help you achieve more goals and overall happiness in your life? I know I've been there and still working on it!
A change in perspective can be so simple but yet have a huge impact in your life. Sometimes simply seeing things from a different angle can be all you need.
It is important to continue to learn throughout life and reading good life changing books can help you feel motivated, fulfilled, and of course smarter.
Finding the time to read can get tricky with everyday things, like being a mom for example (raises hand). But it's so freaking worth it! What I suggest and do is read in the morning, when the kids are busy playing, or when I take them outdoors and let them run around. Of course there are countless interruptions but I get through it!
Another idea is listening to the audio version of books. I subscribed to Amazon's Audible recently and it has been so helpful! I can get through a book so much faster. That is definitely something to consider and I would recommend for you. I listen when I'm driving (without the kids), cleaning, cooking, and doing my makeup. And my new AirPods come in handy when listening to audio as well!
Okay so I'm excited to share with you the list below of books that will change your perspective on life. A lot of the books require you to stop playing victim and really take control of your life and accomplish the things you really want. Along with being fulfilled and happy with everyday and now.
The books below changed my life in so many ways and I truly want to spread that love and positivity towards you!
Here they are:
Rich Dad Poor Dad
This book is great if finances is something you struggle with or even if you're financially stable but would like to improve your finances. Rich Dad Poor Dad gives you a positive outlook on money and shows you how simply changing your mindset about money will allow you to take action and accomplish your financial goals. The author shows you the differences between two father figures, in his life, who have completely different mindsets about money. This book will show you how the different money mindsets impact your life.
The four Agreements
This book is one of my favorites on this list, the most impactful, and it is also the first that I listened to on audible. The Four Agreements will teach you how making four agreements with yourself will tremendously change your life! I mean it. READ this one! It is a short read and you can get through it quickly. It took me two days and I highly recommend the audio version because I really enjoyed the readers voice and I still come back to this book and play it whenever I may be feeling out of alignment.
The Mastery Of Love
The Mastery Of Love is by the same author as The Four Agreements. It dives deeper into love and how understanding love from another perspective can benefit your life and help you love yourself more and how that all applies to your relationships with others. Whether you want to feel more connected towards yourself, with your loved ones, or want to figure out how to avoid drama in your marriage, this book will help you see things in a positive way and help you. This book teaches you self love and how to accept and forgive others and yourself.
The Secret
The secret is another life changing book that will show you how to manifest anything you want in your life. It shows you how you can live in abundance and teaches you to stop having limited beliefs. It teaches a powerful mindset that is almost magical and shows you how that mindset will help lead you into action towards living the life you want.
You'll See It When You Believe it
Another great read that helps you find your inner confidence, live everyday doing the things you love, live abundantly, and noticeably improve your relationships. You'll See It When You Believe it is another book I downloaded on audible and was nice to listen too.
The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up
If you feel your life and space is cluttered then this book is a must read! In this book Marie Kondo shows you the Japanese art of organizing and decluttering. It teaches you how clutter can come from problems in your current life and past, and how the clutter relates to your emotions. It teaches you practicable solutions for decluttering your home and how going through this process is life changing. I also did a mini decluttering series on youtube of me decluttering my home.
There we go. There are 6 life changing books that you need to read in 2021! Here's a toast to a powerful new you! Cheers!
Have you read any of the books above? Which one are you most interested in reading?
Let me know in the comments section below!!