How To Go Number Two For Better Health
Hello everyone
Today’s post I will be talking about..yes you guessed it poop! Everyone does it (except me, at least thats what I tell my husband 💁🏻♀️) and it’s important to be aware of our body’s natural position to get the best er poop out? Seriously, eliminating bowels in a certain position is important. Are typical toilets designed today supporting our body’s natural poop position? Naturally how should we handle this situation? What product do I use to help my bowels flow easier? Today I will answer these questions and give you some information on the proper eliminating position to have an easier time going.
During my new found organic journey a few years back when I was converting my entire life I remember sitting in the toilet wondering why pooping wasn't always easy. I was aware that a healthy diet played a huge role, but I was already eating more wholesome balanced meals. I decided to research this topic and proper position was one of the suggestions that appeared to help in this area. I learned that squatting is the most natural position to poop in!
Natural function and angles
You see it’s all about the angles! Squatting to poop is not a new found concept. People have been squatting for centuries. Have you ever been to another country and noticed the way toilets are designed to squat when eliminating? Or have you ever witnessed a toddler squatting to poop in their diaper behind the couch? It's human nature. We are designed to squat when pooping.
Sitting on a regular toilet stops the flow from moving along because the puborectalis muscle that wraps around the colon is still partially squeezing it. When you squat the muscle relaxes completely allowing a quicker flow and allows you to eliminate completely. You can see what I mean on these diagrams below:

Squatty Potty
I came across an amazing product called the Squatty Potty. It's almost like a step stool that you use to rest your legs on while you're eliminating. Your legs are positioned up higher so that your bottom is lower and you're at the perfect angle to eliminate. Immediately after learning about the squatty potty I made a purchase. While I waited for the product to ship to me I began using my daughters step stool that sits near the toilet to incline my legs. It actually made a difference. So I knew the squatty potty would be perfect. When it finally arrived I noticed my daughters stool was lower than the squatty potty so the squatty potty was perfect, giving me a better angle.
There are so many different awesome styles of the Squatty potty offered to match your needs and style. There is also one that is adjustable to size, so that your little ones shorter legs can still reach the squatty potty and give them a good position while eliminating.
My Experience
At first I noticed the flow of my stools was so much easier and I was straining less. I continued to use it every time I needed to go. Eventually, I became so used to using the squatty potty that I almost stopped noticing the difference it would make day to day. It wasn't until after I went out of town and stayed in a hotel that I noticed the HUGE difference it made and how much I missed my squatty potty!
It's just amazing to think how something that is suppose to be so easy and quick to do, can be straining and stressful at times. We grow up so used to this because our only choice is a modern toilet. I am very thankful I came across the squatty potty and can now raise my children with the knowledge as well, so that they can now know from the beginning opposed to relearning later in life. That is why I am talking about this today because I want to show you that simple changes can make a big difference. So many people are not aware of the truth about our bodies. I really want to spread this knowledge and make you aware of the bodies natural position to eliminate as well as sharing this product that has worked so well for me. If you're having bowel issues or would just like to make a simple improvement maybe you can try it and see if it works for you and your family.
Please leave any questions or comments below!
Take care!
And thanks for reading