Why its time to switch to an organic deodorant

Deodorant use is a necessity . We've been wearing it since puberty hit. We don't question deodorant we just make sure to wear it. Right? Well you may want to take a second look beyond the sweet rosy scent of typical store bought deodorant.

It's time to learn about what's really in this product (in case you still don't know), that 95% of Americans wear daily. It's not only about smelling good or preventing sweat. It goes way beyond that.

What is in deodorants?

Deodorants contain harmful chemicals, carcinogens, and hormone disrupters. It is believed that exposing your skin to chemicals can be more harmful than eating them because our skin absorbs everything quickly. There is not much filtering as it enters our blood stream opposed to when we digest food our stomach enzymes breakdown what's ingested and then it works to eliminate what we don't need.


Parabens are preservatives that prevent mold and yeast from growing, but they do more than that! Our body produces hormones which travel through the bloodstream sending important messages and telling our bodies what to do, so that it can run smoothly. Toxins like parabens can mimic these hormones interfering with our endocrine system causing problems.  Research has shown that parabens cause negative neurological, reproductive, developmental, and immune effects. They have been linked to fertility problems and low sperm levels. As well as other reproductive and developmental issues like early puberty and other abnormalities.


Aluminum, a heavy metal and a neurotoxin is practically in all store bought deodorants. It can be disguised in other terms too. Aluminum has a connection to Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer.

Most cancers are found in the upper outer part of the breast which is also the area closest to the armpits. Our underarms then absorb these chemicals, especially with shaven skin, and these chemicals interact with our DNA potentinally causing cancerous cells to grow.

The problem with studies out there is there is not many done on the longevity of exposure to these chemicals, in this case, aluminum. So many studies or articles conclude with the typical "there is not enough evidence to prove aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease". However, more scientist are beginning to notice the affects of aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. For example,

In 2004, high aluminum levels were found in the tissues of a British woman who died of early-onset Alzheimer's.

This was 16 years after an industrial accident dumped 20 metric tons of aluminum sulphate into her local drinking water. And there are many studies showing elevated aluminum levels in living individuals displaying a wide range of neurological symptoms.3

Obviously this is an extreme case but imagine the long term effects of literally polluting our bodies. There are already many chemicals in our environment and household products, so its best to reduce the toxins that we do have control over. Deodorant is a great start. (It was where it started for me).

Sweat Is Good! Antiperspirants are not!

Antiperspirants go against your body's natural function by trying to prevent you from sweating. Deodorants are usually paired with antiperspirants to add to the smelling good function. Although we may dislike it, sweating is natural and necessary. Sweating helps the body stay cool. Sweat evaporates and helps us lower our body temperature when we're too hot. It is also a natural underrated form of getting rid of toxins which helps our immune system function better. Studies show that sweat is a good way of detoxing from chemicals such as lead, mercury, and even BPA. It has been a form of detoxification since ancient times.

If you sweat excessively (like if it's a true problem getting in the way of your daily life) making some health changes in your life can improve that. For example processed sugary foods can cause excessive sweating as well as alcohol. It could be your body is just working hard to get rid of a lot of something unhealthy.

Do you feel like you cant rid of the body odor in the underarm area even after a shower? Try a body scrub which exfoliates the underarms of old dead skin cells, or try a charcoal clay detox. You can find these products and more on my Etsy shop.

Endocrine System Interruption & Our Future

I often think to myself that maybe it's so hard for some women to become pregnant today due to hormonal issues that affect fertility because of all the extra chemicals flowing in our bodies. Eliminating deodorant and switching to a natural alternative is a great first step to avoid unnecessary chemicals. Its important to stay healthy at a young age. Teenagers are going through so many changes in their bodies to prepare for women hood and adding chemicals just makes it harder for our bodies to do what it needs to do to make becoming a woman or man right. It's important to care for our younguns, so that if and when they decide to start a family they can be that much healthier. I also encourage women who are already at the baby making time in their lives to make the switch for their offspring. Even for women who do not decide to have kids, avoiding unnecessary chemicals in your body can have so many benefits and can avoid many diseases. Endocrine disruptions affect men too by making the hormone estrogen rise creating imbalances in the male reproductive system. This leads to reduction in male fertility and abnormalities in male organs.

If this information seems to intense or even depressing just think, you're already purchasing deodorant as it is, why not make a simple switch to something natural. That was one of the first steps I took in converting from commercial to natural skincare products, and I've never looked back.


If you're not sure which brand to buy, you can check out my Etsy page if you're ready to make an easy switch. It is recommended you try a clay detox to help with the transition of a regular deodorant to a natural one, but not required. All of our deodorants are handmade in small batches with ingredients that come from mother nature. They are freshly made to order with no need for harmful preservatives because they do not sit in factories or on a store shelf.

Thank so much for reading!

xo Melissa

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