Valentine's Day Menu

Whether you want to get romantic for valentines day or simply make it fun, today's post will give you some food ideas to fill your Valentine's Day Menu.
Even if you're not into the hearts and chocolates, I know you're into food 😉 So, simply cooking it up for your love or your family (better yet doing it together with them), can be more than enough to celebrate and enjoy Valentine's Day with a fun menu.
If you have kids, then something simple like heart shaped pancakes or French toast will surely make them happy. Taking that small extra effort can create beautiful memories they can look back on when they're older. Not to mention how fun it is for them! Also, these food ideas do not need to be done only on Valentine's Day, you can begin in the beginning of February.
For your love, you can make it cute, romantic, and you know just keep the love flowing, as it should. And food is definitely love.
A lot of these recipes are what I am doing, but you can use them to help spark more ideas and add to your Valentine's Day menu.
Here is my Valentine's Day food menu:
Heart shaped pancakes with Nutella and raspberry syrup

Whether you choose raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries, you can make some yummy homemade fruit syrup to add to your breakfast. Or you can also purchase ready made syrup at the grocery store.
For the syrup all you need is:
- 1 1/2 Cups of your favorite berry
- 3/4 Cup Water
- 1/2 Cup brown sugar
Now simply:
- Place your clean raspberries in a small saucepan and add in water. Let it reach a boil then simmer for 20 minutes.
- Run your mixture into a strainer to remove seeds.
- Mix in sugar and simmer for 10 more minutes. If you want it thicker then simmer for more time.
- Pour in a clean mason jar and allow it to cool before using.
This portion makes a very small batch maybe 3-4 oz. Look at the photo of the jar to get an idea of how much this yields.
Next cook your pancakes using your favorite recipe. You can find my Old Fashioned Pancake recipe here or below:
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp baking powder
- Dash of salt
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter + more for cooking
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- Syrup for serving
- Mix dry ingredients in a bowl then add the wet ingredients and mix well.
- Add butter to pan and cook pancakes over medium heat. Flip when bubbles begin to dry up and cook for 1-2 more minutes.
- Cut into heart shapes with a baking stencil.
- Spread Nutella, stack a few, and top with raspberry syrup and extra raspberries for garnish if desired.
Mini Heart Shaped Pizza's

Alternatively, you can cut heart shaped sandwiches to make an even easier Valentines Day lunch.
- Ready made pizza crusts
- Pizza Sauce (or regular tomato/pasta sauce and add Italian seasoning to it)
- Mozzarella cheese
- Pepperoni
- OR any other toppings preferred

- Cut crusts into heart shapes. Spread sauce and top with mozzarella and pepperoni.
- Bake at package instructions or until cheese is nicely melted and crusts is lightly browned.
Fettuccine Alfredo

For the perfect romantic dinner ideas, you can fine this recipe at the link here!
Heart Shaped Strawberry Jam Cookies(Linzer Cookies)

You can find this yummy and cute cookie recipe here!