6 Ways to Give Yourself Self Care as a Housewife

In movies today it is very common to see housewives appear unhappy, stressed, and unsatisfied with life. Which I think is annoying honestly and this is partly why many people assume that housewives are unhappy or worst being abused. Or that they don't have the freedom to truly live their lives. That being a housewife means there is no time for self care. Okay, but we'll save that for another day. Let's start off by talking about how housewives are being viewed as low energy, grumpy, moody, and unhappy people.
And the six things listed below are the reasons why I think some women may actually feel that way as stay at home moms or housewives.
It's true that the beginning of the motherhood journey can be difficult and stressful, but that is the case regardless of being a traditional housewife or not. I am here to tell you that motherhood, homemaking, and being a housewife is such a fulfilling journey. Not only are you helping to create balance in your household and everything else that comes along with it, but you get to enjoy so many things for yourself as a woman. BUT we must remember that we housewives need self care in order to feel this way. Today I am sharing 6 ways to care for yourself as a housewife, because no it doesn't need to be miserable like the movies portray this lifestyle to be!
But first,
Why it is important to fill your cup

Simply said it is crucial to be in good mental and physical health in order to do all the things traditional wives and housewives do. To run a household, care for the children, and to stay patient and kind through it all.
When we aren't filling up our cups we are pouring from nothing. It makes it easier to loose our patience, let ourselves go, and things become a chaotic mess. The more we continue with this mindset the more bitterness grows and the worst things become.
Unless you are sick, going through a huge life event, or are in the postpartum period then you can 100% make time to do the things you love while still maintaining your home, supporting your husband, and caring for the children. I actually implore you to do it. To find hobbies that you love, to get outdoors, to do things that make you smile, to truly take care of your health. To really allow yourself self care as a housewife.
It all starts with organizing
Isn't that the beauty of being a housewife? Where you get to organize your day and life. You have control over the way your day can go. If your house is a mess then take a few days or an entire week to declutter, If you're not sure what to cook for dinner then plan out your meals ahead of time, if you can't keep your house clean then make sure to implement daily cleaning habits, like one load of laundry a day and never go to bed without cleaning the kitchen.
Once we create these habits things become easier. Then we can have more time to slow down and enjoy life. To simply enjoy everyday without having a billion things on our mind constantly. We can then find the time for self care and enjoy the little things in life.
Find Alone Time
If you want some alone time then you can wake up at least 20-30 minutes before the kids. I prefer to wake up 1-2 hours before the children, but start with what works for you. First rule is do NOT get on your phone, unless it's to listen to a meditation or podcast. Because next thing you know the kids are awake and you've ran out of time. Don't let your sweet time go to waste.
If waking up early isn't something you want to do or is hard to do with an early waker baby, then try during nap time or after the kids get to bed. Implement an early bedtime for the children, or make sure to use their nap time wisely.
Okay now that we got that straight lets look at:
6 Ways to care for yourself as a Traditional Housewife
1. Get some exercise

This can be as simple as taking a morning walk, doing a 20 minute pilates workout, or adding weights to your workouts. I follow videos on YouTube for my workouts and I do them in the morning before the kids wake up. I have found to love the way I feel the rest of the day after working out. It really sets the mood for the day. It is crucial to work out for healthy muscles, healthy hearts, and a healthy mind.
A daily walk especially first thing in the morning, but we do love evening walks after dinner as a family in my home, is very beneficial. It is so nice to get some fresh air and to get that morning sunlight. Sunlight helps regulate our sleep cycles and hormones among a billion other things.
2. Eat 3 Healthy Meals a Day

This is one of the most important self care tips, to eat balanced meals. I've seen way too often mothers who don't eat well or live off of their children's leftovers. I get it and I've done it a couple times, but it is so important to make sure to eat throughout the day. I've actually heard that its best to eat every 2-3 hours so having healthy snacks in between meals can satisfy that. It helps regulate your blood sugar levels giving you more energy throughout the day and helps to prevent unhealthy cravings.
Adding more protein to your diet is essential for optimal health. At least 30g of protein for your three larger meals is best. You can read more about the importance of high protein intake here and I highly recommend you listen to the podcast episode linked as well. Dr Gabrielle Lyon gets detailed about how important protein is for your health and that podcast episode really changed how I view protein intake.
You really need that energy to be able to think and feel better. To have the energy to take care of the children and to get through your busy days. So, please feed yourself mama. If you don't have children yet, it's a great time to practice and create healthy habits so that when you are ready for children your body will be strong and healthy.
3. Stay hydrated
This one seems so obvious but I think many people forget how much water we actually need. Of course overdoing it is never good. However, we need to look at what we are drinking throughout the day. Is the first thing you drink every morning a coffee? Are you having energy drinks, sugary juices or sodas more than you’re drinking pure water?
It is important to have a nice glass of water every morning. Warmer water is better. You can add some fresh lemon juice to your water for an added benefit. I also like to brush my teeth and tongue clean before I drink water in the morning because I want to get rid of the bacteria that accumulated overnight before swallowing it down with my water.
Is all water equal? I’d say not. I recommend mountain spring water as that is the most natural form of water and has the perfect formula and nutrients made by earth and god for us to consume. I also recommend staying away from plastic water bottles. The BPA leaches to water and is toxic to consume.
4. Get Sun

Oh the Sun. It’s our biggest free medicine. It gives us energy which helps us to feel good. Especially for mental health. Vitamin D is crucial and humans are generally low on vitamin D as a whole.
The sun is healing to our hormones and it allows us to release endorphins. Morning sun, especially, regulates our circadian rhythm and regulates melatonin production which in turn helps us sleep better at night. Sunlight also helps boost your mood.
Pair morning sun with your morning walk and you’ve checked two things off the list!
5. Get Dressed, Ready, Do Skin and Hair
Whether it’s taking a hot shower before bed or taking five minutes a day for some skincare, we must make some time to give ourselves some TLC. Additionally getting dressed and ready every morning is a habit that you can implement into your daily schedule. It may seem difficult if you’re not used to it , but I’ve noticed a huge difference when I do this. Just like I brush my teeth every morning I have made it a habit to also get dressed, ready, and do my quick 5 minute makeup routine. Along with another 5-10 minutes of touching up my hair.
That is only 10-20 minutes of my time doing something productive and beneficial which I could've otherwise have spent scrolling on my phone. Getting ready daily really boosts my mood and helps me feel more productive and I’ve heard many other ladies say the same.
Make it a habit
Another thing is that it helps us feel more put together and ready for the day. Whether we have an unexpected guess or a last minute outing it’s nice to be ready for anything. Additionally, it’s great for our confidence and shows our children a great example of getting dressed and ready daily. That is a basic habit that we must do and teach our children to do.
Of course I’m sure your husband won’t complain that you took the effort for yourself and for his eye candy pleasure 😉. Okay might sound cringe to you lol but I have found that this helps keep the spark alive. It makes me feel much more attractive around my husband which in turn gives me more confidence.
I will say that my husband does NOT ever complain if I am not ready or dressed. Which happens on on those days when I'm having a late or off day. But, he can see the difference in my mood when my hair is frizzed up in a bun and my eyes look drowsy. Haha. So when he's available he takes our toddler and gives me time to get ready so that I feel better. I come out a different more refreshed person. If you don't already do this, I suggest you give it a try.
6. Get Sleep
Of course there are seasons when getting sleep isn't easy, like after a new baby or when our children are sick. However we must also create good schedules for ourselves because sleep is vital. Just like staying hydrated and eating well is necessary, we must get enough sleep too. Nap when the baby naps, I know it’s easier said than done. However, I recommend to take a look at how often you might be wasting time on your phone scrolling away? Could that time be used better for napping? Are you staying up late to watch movies or social media?
Like I mentioned above, there are seasons when sleeping well is difficult to achieve, but this should only be temporarily. You must take the effort to figure out how you can get more sleep. If you have any struggles in this area please reach out and I’d love to give you some extra tips!
The Self Care Basics
Okay there we have it. 6 basic tips for how to care for yourself as a housewife. It really begins with the basics. Make sure we’re checking off our basic human needs first, then add things that will help boost our moods too.
We need to remember to care for ourselves especially if we’re alone with the kids all day while our husbands work. Remember to implement good habits, create schedules, and audit your time to make sure you’re being proactive with it.
When we take care of ourselves we are better women, mothers, and wives. Your children will feel your energy and your husband won’t have the added stress of a wife who is constantly feeling ill or stressed from lack of energy.
It’s pretty basic, but unfortunately so many forget to allow themselves self care as busy housewives. Let’s get healthy and happy so that we have more to pour from.
Thank you so much for reading
xo Melissa
P.s. tell me something you want to work on in the comments below!